
current education project

Coup Gorge Primary School & Pastor Bertin

I am passionate about education and how it teaches us so much more than math and reading. through education, we learn our place in the world. we learn how small we are, how big the world is, and how it is up to only us to make it a better place. I also believe that education fights directly against poverty. A World Bank study in 2006 showed that receiving just a primary education creates a 47% decrease in the likelihood of living under the poverty threshold.

In Haiti, 90% of education is privatized, which means the vast majority of education is expensive and lacks regulations. teachers are extremely under qualified: 60% of teachers in private institutions are not sufficiently educated and are typically paid four times less than those in public institutions (The World Bank 2006). Further, a French Language test concluded that 33% of primary school teachers cannot alphabetically rank words, 80% cannot use the passive form of French, and only 3.5% can perform basic arithmetic beyond a fourth-grade level (Salmi 2000). Teachers that are properly qualified to teach seek out public school jobs because pay is better, leaving under-qualified adults to teach 90% of the population.

my dream is to start a school of my own in Haiti that focuses on big-picture education. I think that a school with empowered teachers and staff, access to resources, an accountable attitude, and a serving heart would be an excellent tool in the effort to break the poverty cycle. i dream and pray about a well-rounded education that equips the next generation of Haitians to love their neighbors better, care about their country more deeply, and set themselves up for success.

I am a long way from achieving this goal and this is were I need the most support. if you are interested in learning more, or have any suggestions, please contact me! if you would like to financially support this dream, click below or visit the donation page.