serving the haitian people through love.

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"if you pour yourselves out to the hungry, and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will shine in the darkness; your night will become like noonday.”

-Isaiah 58:11


comfort for widows and families

we care about the details. comfort is a luxury we do not want to overlook when serving our brothers and sisters in Haiti.


community outreach

we want to build the local church by empowering the community to love each other boldly, hold each other accountable, and point each other towards Jesus every morning.



I believe that a well-rounded, effective, challenging, inclusive, empathetic, and christ-centered education has the power to change lives. and changing a bunch of young lives has the power to change the country.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has put eternity into man’s heart…

Ecclesiastes 3:11